That’s Sandra on the left, She is our newest member. Maybe she’ll forward a pic to me when she finishes her bead. That’s Cynthia on the right and her bead is the one in the centre of the collage. The blue beads below were created by Sandy and her friend Melissa.
I got the great digital art from this Etsy seller kathartstudio. She has a great variety. Just keep in mind when purchasing that you want to get the largest image possible to suit your needs. The 2″X2″ squares were perfect for these beads. Some of the art was in 1″ squares. I blew them up a bit but then the images blurred .
I made these two. I was too busy to finish but hopefully I’ll get them done this week. (the artwork inside the bead on the right came from a different source a long time ago. I believe in giving credit where credit is do so I will try to locate my source and post it)
I’m already in the process of creating the tutorial and I hope to have it listed on Etsy soon!
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