I have been taking a little time to smell the roses this summer and also kick back and enjoy this beautiful weather before it disappears! But don’t worry, I have also been working hard to find a manufacturer for the CaBezels. I’ve looked high and low. Looked in Canada and in the United States. For a short period of time I even considered going with rubber instead of polymer but then I gave my head a shake and decided that the integrity of the molds would be compromised. I just couldn’t settle for a lesser product in the end. The price of photopolymer has gone up substantially since my last bulk order but I am trying to negotiate a price with the manufacturer that will keep the cost reasonable for you, my customers. I do have some new designs ready to launch as soon as I get this pesky little manufacturing thing settled!
I also want to to thank all of you that took the time to answer my survey questions. I read every single email and took notes about what matters to you.
So “Thank You” your efforts didn’t go unnoticed.
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