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a-i-o CaBezel mold. all-in-one cabezel mold

All-In-One CaBezel Package Deal!

https://www.etsy.com/listing/179711617/all-in-one-cabezel-mold-package-deal?ref=shop_home_active_1 Once again, I’m clearing out mismatched sets of the CaBezel Molds. Some of you may have seen this offer and now I’m doing it with the A-I-O’s as well. The quality is still the same it’s just that the manufacturer changed the color of the material.There are some videos…

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 No, I’m not talking about food silly! I’m talking about all of those leftover bits from extruding clay.  There was a small gathering of them on my table the other day so I decided to lay some down on a piece of scrap clay. Then I used my Lemon-Egg…

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A new pendant using “Crest”

This lovely pendant was created by Barbara Colautti.(a founding member of the Southern Ontario Polymer Clay Guild  SOPCG)She used the “Crest” a-i-o mold to create it. If you live in the Toronto area and you’re looking for some other polymer clay enthusiasts to be creative with then the SOPCG might…

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Extruded Soutache Technique Part 1

OK. It’s finally done.  Part 1 that is. I’ll try to finish the rest this week end but no promises! I would promise but who knows if Windows Live Movie Maker will play nice.  I spent hours editing Part 1 and when it was time to save it, it WOULDN’T!!….

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Extruded Soutache

I’m having fun playing with the “Soutache” technique! It  showed up in our polymer clay world recently and when I saw it i just knew that I had to experiment with the technique using the All-In-One molds,  The molds lend themselves beautifully to this technique. Other than an a-i-o mold and your usual…

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