You guys have been awesome! Your responses and comments started rolling in just minutes after I posted and they kept on coming!
I’m so grateful for all of your help that I am going to draw 2 winning names instead of just one!
I wish I could reply to all of you individually! Please accept my thanks and gratitude.
Are you ready for the winning “heart” ?
It was chosen by a landslide of 59 votes!!
Drum roll please…………………………
The winner is # 10
#4 came in 2nd with 22 votes
#6 and#7 tied for third with 18 votes each
I mentioned that this vote was for a new series of CaBezels. Sort of an all-in-one type of mold.You’ll even get to decide how thick and what shape the bezel will be. These will be very customizable!!! They are going to be great for transfers too!!
Now for the really important stuff!! The winners of the raffle!
I photocopied everyone’s name, cut it out and placed them in a hat (OK, it wasn’t a hat. It was a really pretty wooden box) and then i drew 2 names. These ladies will each receive the new Heart mold as soon as they are available!!!
Another drum roll please………
The winners are: Gillian Wiseman and Kam Kirsch
Congratulations ladies!! Please contact me with your snailmail information!
I’m hoping that these will be available very soon!
Thanks again to all who participated!
Through this process, I have discovered just much you love your “hearts” so I have decided that i will also create the original type CaBezel mold. It will have a few different shaped hearts with a few different sizes all in one mold!!!! (I’ll see how many I can squeeze in!)
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Wendy, I made some impressions for ATCs with the heart Cabezel yesterday; they’re not finished yet, but here are a couple snapshots: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gilladian/6691737257/in/photostream