April 26 2024
Buzzing around
Spring is finally here, the birds, the insects, oh I missed you guys.
The sun was shining today (after several days of gray skies and rain) so i headed outside to the backyard. While I was enjoying my coffee I also got to enjoy the fragrance of all the blossoms on our yellow plum trees. The smell is divine (why is it then, that when you trim a few branches and bring them indoors to enjoy, the fragrance smells similar to cat pee? Gross.) I’ve learned to leave them on the tree.
I noticed a rather large insect crawling over the grass. When I took a closer look I was pleased to discover a large bumble bee. After it enjoyed several dandelions, it seemed to struggle and falter but as I was given the opportunity to watch this little creature up close for a while I realized it was just awkwardly moving the pollen from its legs to make room for more.
It didn’t seem to mind my presence so I took a few up close pictures and even a video that I’d love to share with you.
Let’s make a promise to keep things natural this spring. Say no to pesticides that harm our precious pollinators. Instead, let’s opt for eco-friendly gardening practices that nurture biodiversity.
Remember, no bees mean no humans.
So let’s give them a helping hand by planting native flowers, providing shelter, water and avoiding harmful chemicals.
With gratitude for the wonders of spring,
Thanks for allowing me to share this moment with you. It means the world to me.
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